Kean Kavanagh

  • Date: Tue 10th October 2023
  • Time: 19:00 - 23:00
  • Supported By: + Henry Earnest
  • On Sale: Tickets Open
  • Price: £15.00



+ Henry Earnest

Live at Oslo, Hackney

Tickets are on sale Friday from Alt Tickets. 16+ (under 18s to be accompanied by an adult)

Moving up to Dublin from Portlaoise, Kean studied Law in the hallowed halls of Trinity College, eventually going on to work as an intern at a Firm. But the 9-to-5 didn’t sit with him, there was something burning up inside. The tie began to loosen. It’s been a full-time love affair, with all of its dizzying highs and humbling lows, ever since. For a period Kean was content with pulling strings behind the scenes at Soft Boy Records. Producing music for the artists, serving as the label’s A&R, and DJing for the imprint’s poster boy and fellow founder Kojaque, he was a key cog in Soft Boy’s early success.

Festival crowds would get a taste of his talent when he’d venture out from behind the decks to perform his and Kojaque’s track ‘Eviction Notice’, a cut that is right now tipping 6 million streams on Spotify alone. But Kean Kavanagh’s talent would soon take center stage. Having released his debut project ‘Dog Person’ to great acclaim and collaborated with XL Recordings founder Richard Russell on his latest ‘Everything is recorded’ album, Kean has released some very exciting music to date. With lots of new music and sell-out shows in UK and Ireland under his belt Kean is re-emerging from lockdown in full blaze!

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